Retail Software: Retail Billing & Inventory Management
Retail Software by Marg- Easy & fast billing, small to large store management, complete monitoring and control over stocks, reduced pilferage, get best deals from suppliers with smart purchase features, run discount & scheme,easy invoicing along with 1000’s of reports to keep you in full control of your business.Get a free trial/schedule a free Demo today.
Features At a Glance
Today everybody is in hurry they want their work should be done within less time. The same situation we are facing at retail shops, retail counters, there are long queue at billing counters. Customers get irritated due to such wastage of time even it also affects the sale of retail shops/ counters. The most difficult situation a retailer faces is generating a report which contains the whole history of his business transactions within a single report. So, Marg Retail Software is aimed to manage all the requirements of the individual shops or retail chain in an efficient, effective way as it has highly flexible configurations that are capable of meeting customer’s unique requirements. In Marg Software a retailer can generate reports as per his need; even he can generate a report which contains the complete details of the business within a single report. There is a provision in Marg Retail Software that it will show alert when items are out of stock or shows the stock of items which you are not selling.In Marg Retail Software, No need of feeding manual purchase bill, even user can handle multiple customers on a single computer. The incomparable After Sales Service and Training Support is the key behind its success.

Know More About Marg® ERP
- Purchase Features
- Document Printing
- Discount & Schemes
- Billing Features
- Fully User-Configurable Invoicing
- MIS Reports
- Display Last 4 Deals at the Time of Purchase to Cross Check Rate Deal, Disc Tax & Cost
- Purchase Planning & Purchase Order Management
- Supplier Wise Various Outstanding Reports & Remainder
- Pending DR / CR & Replacement Notes
- Auto Barcode / Label Printing from Purchase Bill
- Fix Sales Rates & Deals at the Time of Purchase
- Online Shortage Management
- Purchase Costing Comparison
- 1000’s of Purchase Reports & Analysis
- Online / Softcopy Purchase
- Accounts Vouchers & Cheque Printing
- Receipt/ Payment Advice
- Sales / Purchase Invoice, Estimate A7 Challan
- Sale / Purchase Return Replacement & Price Difference
- Debit Note/ Credit Note
- Sales Orders / Purchase Order
- Bank Pay in Slip & TDS Certificate
- Stock Transfer Memo
- Delivery Note, Goods Receipt Note & Dispatch Summary
- Items Wise Double Percentages Discounts
- Item Wise Double Volume Discounts
- Four Different Discounts on Complete Bill
- Party Wise Discounts & Schemes Pre-Fixing
- Data Wise Schemes, Quantity Based Rate & Discounts
- Various types of Schemes, Like A Item Free with B Item Etc.
- Multi Rate, Price List, & Discount
- Cash / Credit / Split Invoice & Challan
- Sales Return & Replacement on Sale Bill
- Party Wise Rate, Discount and Scheme
- Salesman / Route / Area Wise Bills & Reports
- Indication for Loss, Min, Max, New / Old Rate & Expiry
- Negative Stock Billing Facility
- Self-Designed Price List (Set Formula in Price List)
- Sales Return on Same / Separate Bill & Its Adjustment
- Back Date Stock Position at the Time of Billing
- Switch Over from Bill to Bill Anywhere
- Godown Wise Billing & Stock Position
- Bill Import / Export & Message on Bill
- Auto Calculation of Levies & no Chance of Manual Mistake
- Display last four Deals at the Time of Billing
- View O/s Stock, Ledger. Last Deal of Sale & Purchase Returns, Receipt Payment Bill Modification at the Time of Billing
- Counter Sale Entry Provision
- Party History Dashboard on Party Selection
- Provision to Load Item from Other Bill
- Tax Inclusive, Exclusive & MRP Billing
- Multiple –taxes in Single Invoice
- Manufacturing / Trading Excise Invoice
- Export Invoice & Packaging Slip
- Option for Pre-printed Stationary
- Self-Designable Invoice Format
- Cash Flow, Funds Flow & Ratio Analysis
- Budgets / Targets / Credit Limits
- Online Graph, SMS & E-mail
- Any Report Export to Word & Excel
- Sales / Purchase Analysis
- Gross Profit Analysis
- Financial, Expenses & Budget Analysis
- Operator Wise Powers & Boundations with Operator Log Book
Why Do Businesses Choose Marg® Erp To Manage Retail Business ?

GST Compliant

Easy Implementation


Customer-Driven Features Of Marg
